Monday, December 16, 2013


Maddy G and Hunter L are the Athletes of the Month for the month of December!

PE CARES Food Drive Winners!!!

Mrs. Broek's second grade class celebrated winning the South Elementary food drive, by bowling at Hudsonville Lanes today!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


The 7th Annual PE CARES food drive will begin on November 8th.  The competition will run from then until November 21.  In an attempt to bring in a better variety of foods, we are asking each grade level to bring in different food groups.
*Pre-K, K, and 1st - Carbohydrates (pasta, rice, crackers, cereal, etc.)
*2nd/3rd - Fruits and Vegetables
*4th/5th - Proteins and Other (tuna fish, peanut butter, baked beans, etc.)
**All: Toiletries (deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc.)
However, all food donations will be accepted, even if they don't fit into your category. The class that brings in the highest number of items will win a PE CARES t-shirt and a bowling field trip to Hudsonville Lanes!  Thank you for your help and support in this community service project, and for taking this opportunity to teach our kids compassion and love for others!!


Elle Bolkema and Noah Finkbeiner are the Athletes of the Month for November!

Monday, October 21, 2013


Gabe Taylor and Raina Sikkema are Athletes of the Month for October!

In other October news...

Fitness testing is mostly wrapped up for grades 3-5, and Peyton Perrin in 5A broke two school records for Sit & Reach and Push Ups!  Also, Bryson Vruggink in 4B set a new high for South School for the PACER test...83 laps!  Way to go you two!!!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Gym Stars!

Each PE class, the class can earn up to five stars for being respectful, safe, participating, and giving best effort (100%!).  These things are important!  If a class is doing these things during entry and warm up, they will earn the "basketball star."  If not, the class will lose the basketball, but they have ONE chance to earn that star back.  It works this way for each star/time chunk during the fifty minute class.  Once in awhile, if a class has been outstanding and I haven't had to remind them about anything, they might earn the bonus Yellow Star for going above expectations with their performance!  This would mean SIX stars for the day!

Once a class has filled up both of their rows (48 stars) on the star chart in the gym, that class earns a Choice Day in the gym.  I have a lengthy list of games/activities that can be chosen from to play on Choice Day!

Ask your student how many "Gym Stars" they earned this week!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back To School Time!

It is almost time for the 2013/2014 school year!  I hope you have had a fantastic summer and soaked up as much sunshine as possible!  I spent a lot of my summer outside enjoying the beautiful Michigan weather.

With the school year approaching I hope you are excited about P.E. Class this year.  Don't forget to have your tennis shoes with you at all times.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.  Thanks!