Monday, December 8, 2014

December Athletes of the Month!!
These students have been demonstrating responsibility, respect, safety, and extra effort with their PE activities! Well done!!

Brysen Roelofs in 3A!

Leah Hite in 3B!

Monday, November 24, 2014

P.E. CARES Food Drive Winners!

Last week, Mrs. Kissane's second grade class won the food drive contest at South, with 234 items. Well done! Also, we have all been studying about how eating a balanced diet is important for good health for all of us!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November Athletes of the Month!!
These students have been demonstrating responsibility, respect, safety, and extra effort with their PE activities! Well done!!

Joey from 4B!

Rylan from 4A!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Turkey Trot 2014!!

Turkey Trot on Tuesday was great! Lots of sun, lots of fun, and lots of smiling little faces (evidenced by three super South students above :-)! 
Many South runners were prize winners this year:

Charlie Engstrom, Rielyn Schmid, Gibby Sokolove, Sammie Posthumus, Abby Martin, and Tristan Dyke.

Great job to all of the South runners! Great effort and great sportsmanship!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

PE C.A.R.E.S.!!

The following video is a great explanation of the MyPlate from our Nutrition unit, in November! Eating a balanced diet is SO important!...

Saturday, October 4, 2014

October Athletes of the Month!!
These students have been demonstrating responsibility, respect, safety, and extra effort with their PE activities! Well done!!

Arik Z. in 5B!

Emily S. in 5A!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Turkey Trot 2014!!
Students and families! Below is the registration form for this year's Turkey Trot! As usual, it is only $6 to enter and you get the new Turkey Trot t-shirt! Your student can bring their registration to their teacher...make sure you do it by October 6!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Fall PE Assessments!!
Each Fall the third, fourth, and fifth graders get to do fitness testing. This measures their different fitness levels, and they will get to be tested again, in the spring. The goal is to improve on these tests by the end of the year! How do students improve?? They practice and work hard all school the gym and at home! We will be doing these tests during the next few weeks. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Welcome Back/Gym Shoes!

It is almost time for the 2014/2015 school year!  I hope you soaked up as much sunshine as possible this summer, and took advantage of chances to be active!  I spent a lot of my summer outside enjoying the beautiful Michigan weather.

With the school year approaching I hope you are excited about P.E. Class this year.  I am!  
If a child is not wof the activity. I do have a few spare shoes in the gym, b
A note to all of the students...don't forget to have your tennis shoes with you at all times!  If a child does not wear tennis shoes, they might sit out of the activity.  Also, this will affect the student's progress report marks.  I do have a few spare shoes in the gym, but being responsible and wearing gym shoes to class is an expectation.  I also expect students to be prepared when they arrive to the gym.  This means that if a younger student has trouble tying their shoes, their gym shoes should probably be slip-ons or velcro.  

This also means that shoes should be cleaned off and not muddy.  While students do not need to have separate shoes for the gym, I have found one of the easiest ways to assist students with this policy is to keep a pair of gym shoes in their locker.  Shoes must cover the entire foot and no elevated back heel.  This is for their own safety.    

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.  Thanks!

-Chris Van Antwerp

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Spring PE assessments!!
These last two weeks of school, students will be bringing home their PE spring scores sheets, if they haven't already.  K-2 students are assessed on basic skills, while 3-5 students will be bringing home their fitness testing sheets.  Information on this can be found below...

3-5, F.T.Assessment:

**This spring, almost all students improved their fitness testing scores, compared to the fall!!!  The following students set new fitness testing school records!...

Nathan Avink, David Van Dyke, Elena Gibbs, Olivia Raymond, Sammy Sokolove, and Jamison Smith...fantastic effort South students!!!

K-2 Assessment form:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Congratulations to Cora DeRoos and Will DeYoung for being the South Athletes of the Month!

Monday, May 12, 2014

4th & 5th Grade Field Day is on Tuesday, June 3!!!

It starts at 9:00 AM @ Baldwin Eagle Stadium and students are required to wear the following shirt colors.

Field Day shirt orders are due by May 20!  Order form is below...

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Congratulations to Aaliyah Naranjo and Trent Bolles for being the South Athletes of the Month!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Running Club/Eagle 5K!!!

Each Hudsonville Running Club wore a different colored shirt!  South is in green!  Over 300 elementary students!

This was our first time running the Eagle 5K AND we got to meet Greg Meyer (pictured)!  Awesome!!

The following are students who finished the race in the top three for their grade, for the entire race:

3rd Grade:  Max Van Huis...3rd Place!
4th Grade:  Peyton Wilson...3rd Place!
5th Grade:  Alec Hall...3rd Place!

5th Grade:  Hannah Vander Velde...3rd Place!
5th Grade:  Annie Kahler...1st Place!!!

Monday, March 24, 2014


Congratulations to Katelyn Howells and Gavin McNeil for being the South Athletes of the Month!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Jump Rope For Heart:  February, 2014!

Students that won jump rope contests at our JRFH Day are:

Fifth Grade:  Jayden R, Annie K, Ethan W, Maddy G, Ian V, Jake N, Olivia M, Emily J, Mason M, Summer W, Nathan C, Hannah B, JT, Holly O.

Fourth Grade:  Peyton W, Kathryn C, Bryson V, Maelynn K, Henry B, Cooper R, Elle B, Avery K, Colter B, Elena G, Keegan H, Jon W, Noah F, Tristan D, Ryan L, Nathan A, Livia N, Delaney J.

Third Grade:  Luke M, Ella T, Abby M, Daniel O, Taylor P, Tyler C, Katelyn L, Jamison S, Piercon A, Gabe S, Brianna M, Jillian P, Eli V, Caden S, Joey C, Olivia R, Sammy S.

Second Grade:  Joey C, Braylon F, Megan B, Chase O.W., Alivia S, Kyran T, Zach P, Alycia H.

K & First Grade:  No contests, but lots of fun activities!

Ethan, in Mrs. Lokers' class, was the top fund raiser for South School this year and he earned the Quack-Tastic trophy!  We thank all of you who collected JRFH donations, and so do the people with the American Heart Association!  This year, South Elementary raised $1400!!!

Friday, February 21, 2014


Congrats to first graders, Chloe and Luke, who are Athletes of the Month for February!!!  :-)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Below, is the South Running Club calendar!  It is designed to train for the Eagle 5K, on March 29!

Attention! New Hudsonville Running Club format!

Dear Parents,

As times change and programs evolve, we’ve decided to try something a little different for this year’s Hudsonville Running Club.  Students will still join the club and follow the training calendar, along with meeting together as a club twice a week to practice, but this year our culminating race will be the Eagle 5K right here in Hudsonville! We’re very excited about this change for a number of reasons. With transportation to downtown Grand Rapids becoming difficult and costly, safety concerns with the amount of people there and the increasing cost of the Riverbank Run, we thought this would be a welcomed change! Not only is the 5K right here in Hudsonville and supported my many local businesses, but the money from entry fees goes directly back to our Hudsonville Athletic Boosters! Our Boosters support all of our athletic teams and also provide scholarships to 10 HHS seniors heading to college.

The Eagle 5K will start and finish in the HHS parking lot. All participants will be given a race shirt and race “goodies”.  It will be timed by “Race Management” – the same company that does the timing for the Riverbank Run…so it’s official!  After the race, refreshments will be in the cafeteria and will include pizza, ice cream, and more!
As always, the cost for the Hudsonville Running Club is $15.  This price includes a club t-shirt with a name on the back.  Hooded sweatshirts are also available for $20.  The cost of the Eagle 5K is $20 for students and $25 for parents. We would love to have as many parents train and run with their kids as possible! 

Also, complete the permission form to join the club.  Then, return all portions, with the indicated amount, to Mr. Van Antwerp by MONDAY February 10, 2014.  Please make all checks for the running club registration payable to:  Hudsonville Public Schools.

If you have any questions about the running club, please email me at –

Chris Van Antwerp
South PE Teacher
Running Club Coordinator

All money and forms must be turned in by MONDAY February 10, 2014! J

Parent Permission Form and Hudsonville Running Club Entry

I give my permission for my son/daughter _____________________________

Participant Date of birth  ________________________
to participate in the Hudsonvillle Running Club.  I understand the vigorous nature of exercise involved in running the Eagle 5K race.  By signing this form, I affirm that my child has no physical limitations that would prevent him/her from participating safely.  I assume the risk of injury to my child in this event and give up any and all claims for damages I may have against South Elementary School, Hudsonville Public School and others associated with this club.

Parent Signature________________________________________

Parent email address ____________________________________

Cell Phone Number __________________

Emergency Contact Name_____________________ Phone Number_____________

Check the appropriate areas and note the cost on the far right line - Add the total on the bottom.
If your child is running in the Eagle 5K, he/she must purchase a Hudsonville Running Club shirt in order to be easily spotted at the race.  If you do not have the means to pay for the running club fees, please contact Mr. Van Antwerp.

_____ Hudsonville Running Club Fee (including shirt) ------------------------->        $15.00

              T-shirt size:  Youth:   M     L       Adult:      S    M     L     XL

Name on back of shirt (limit 12 letters):  __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

_____ Hudsonville Running Club Hooded Sweatshirt                      $20------->    $______

     Sweatshirt size (please circle):  Youth:   M     L       Adult:      S    M     L     XL

Name on back of sweatshirt (limit 12 letters):  __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Entry for Eagle 5K                 ---------------------------------------- $20------------à     $______

                                                                 Total Enclosed ---------->                              $______

Please make checks payable to:  Hudsonville Public Schools
All money and forms must be turned in by MONDAY, February 10, 2014.